Opus 29: OrgAlt's Portative Organ

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Orgues Létourneau Ltée Opus 29 (1990) (photo: Orgues Létourneau)
One manual, four ranks, mechanical key and stop action
Manual compass: CC-d ", 51 notes
Pitch: A=440 or 415 Hz, sleeve tuned to allow different tuning systems.

Gedeckt 8' (Wood)
Flute 4' (1 to 12 wood) *
Principal 2' (1 to 12 Metal Flute) *
Quint 1-1/3' (1-12 at 2/3' pitch) *

*Although the bottom octave of the 4 and 2 foot stops are constructed of the same material as the next lower-pitched stop, there is no pipe unification; each note on each stop has its own independent pipe. The break back in the Quint simply raises the pitch of the mutation one octave for these twelve notes. These adjustments were made in order to save space and weight, in the interest of greater portability. Principal 2 and Quint 1 1/3 are separately selectable to treble and bass registers, with the split occurring between middle D# and E when A=440, or D and D# when A=415.

Dimensions: (rounded up to nearest inch):
The instrument breaks into two sections - the blower & pipework sections.
Blower: 24 wide x 14 tall x 45 long
Pipework: 23 wide x 28 tall x 44 long
Assembled Instrument: 24 wide x 42 tall x 45 long

Opus 29 is frequently used in Toronto and surrounding cities for concerts, recordings, and occasionally services. 
For further information including rental fees, contact OrgAlt.